
We believe in simplicity for the sake of generosity.


Jesus sees
what we give.

He saw the rich and the poor alike bringing their offerings to the temple as part of worship. He sees our hearts, our faith, what we depend on, what we keep for ourselves, our motives - He sees it all. He notices what we do in all areas, even in the area of our finances and giving.

Giving is an
act of worship.

In the Old Testament, they brought gifts to the temple. In the New Testament, they brought money and laid it at the apostles' feet. Worship how we declare God’s worth in our lives: singing, praying, obedience, knowing Scripture, and giving. Generosity is a big deal to God because it is an act of worship.

Giving is for everyone,
all the time.

We give in the times when we are rich, when we have plenty, when no needs are unmet, when we have security for the future. We give in the times when we are poor, when we don’t have enough, when what we give could be used greatly. Regular giving allows God to work on His timetable, not ours.

Giving is
about faith.

Jesus didn't need an accountant (although He had one on His staff) to know that the widow gave less money. And yet, He acknowledged she still gave more. Out of greater faith. And that’s what is behind our generosity. Jesus was looking for who gave greater faith in their giving.


Start giving today.


Considerations as you move forward in giving.

  • Care

    Determine to care about giving because Jesus cares about it.

  • Consider

    Consider what Jesus would say about our giving.

  • Search

    Search the scriptures to see what they say about giving.

  • Pray

    Repent, ask God for wisdom, submit to His plan for giving in your life.

  • Obey

    Don't delay, or you won't obey. Delay is the killer of obedience.


Can I designate my giving?

Church Project practices a “One Fund” giving approach. We give together as a family, joining our generosity to participate together in all that we do. Our collective ongoing giving allows us to operate normally and healthy, and includes our priorities of generosity in supporting local and global ministry partners, and church planting. Occasionally, we will have a specific and unique opportunity to give together towards a significant project.